Tuesday 01/04/2025, 00:47:54
27/09/2005 5:25:32 pm
Blair: Change Is Marching On Again. At the annual party conference of New Labour, British PM Tony Blair has just delivered the main speech. Bold, creative and rhetorical - as always:
"Values don?t change. But times do. And now, as before, our values have to be applied anew in changing times. ...
This is a country today that increasingly sets the standard. Not for us the malaise of France or the angst of Germany. ...
The pace of change can either overwhelm us, or make our lives better and our country stronger. What we can?t do is pretend it is not happening.
I hear people say we have to stop and debate globalisation. You might as well debate whether autumn should follow summer.
They?re not debating it in China and India. They are seizing its possibilities, in a way that will transform their lives and ours. ...
In the era of rapid globalisation, there is no mystery about what works: an open, liberal economy, prepared constantly to change to remain competitive."
Read the whole speech here - >
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