Tuesday 01/04/2025, 00:46:16
05/08/2005 3:28:58 pm
New Publication: Does the West Know Best? A new, short, book called "Does the West Know Best" has just been published by the Stockholm Network. It describes itself as "a one-stop shop for organisations seeking to work with Europe?s brightest policymakers and thinkers" and comprises a network of 130 market-oriented think-tanks in Europe.
I have contributed to the book with a chapter where I mainly present five essential reforms for Western European countries. Other contributors include Dan Michell of the Heritage Foundation, Martin Bruncko of the Slovak government, Philippe Maničre of Institut Montaigne and Gabriel Calzada of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. On the cover of the book, its topic is described as follows:
"Accession of the Central and Eastern European states has provided impetus for a fundamental re-evaluation of Europe?s economic and social model. ... With the west now facing the impending crises of an ageing population, unsustainable healthcare systems, and the prospect of weak growth, the question remains: should the new member states be emulating western Europe? Or should ?old Europe? mimic the reforms of its newest partners? Indeed, does ?old Europe? have any choice but to reform?"
Download "Does the West Know Best?" (pdf) here - >
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