Tuesday 01/04/2025, 00:55:52
25/05/2005 3:57:11 pm
The World Gets Better - Even in Africa. In 2004, the economies of the countries in Africa grew overall by more than 5 %, according to the latest OECD African Economic Outlook. It is the highest level in eight years - but there has been a steady growth. In fact, with the current growth, Africa will enjoy the same living standards as today′s Western Europe by 2070. This is a contrast to the kind of news we often hear about Africa; all doom and gloom. Of course there are problems, not least with AIDS, but much is improving. And best of all, poverty is decreasing. There is a strong connection between prospertity - following growth - and lower infant mortality, better health, longer life and better education. There is growth - and therefore, so is hope.
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