Tuesday 01/04/2025, 00:40:45
04/04/2007 3:34:19 pm
New European Opinion Poll. Today, the British think-tank Open Europe presented a new opinion poll, conducted by TNS during March, in all the 27 EU member countries. Some 17 000 Europeans were interviewed. Of a number of reasons, such results shall not be taken too literally or seriously, but they may provide indications. And there are promising and less promising figures.
Good news first: A majority of the citizens, often substantial, in all EU countries agree with the proposal that taxes need to be decreased to increase competitiveness. In all countries, a majority is against more power to the EU; clearly, people want limited public power on the European level.
Bad news: There is a majority in all EU countries - except The Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden - for "protection" against cheap goods and competition from poor countries. And there are more countries where a majority believes that there are too many immigrants than the opposite.
Read all the results here (Excel) - >
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