Tuesday 01/04/2025, 00:58:14
18/12/2006 2:34:24 pm
Eurobarometer: Europeans Prefer Free Market. In the latest Eurobarometer, there is some really good news. A majority of Europeans, 64 per cent, believe that free competition is the best guarantee for economic prosperity. For those who define themselvese as being on the right of the political spectrum, the figure is 73 per cent. And for those on the left, the figure is 61 per cent - still a majority! Furthermore, 62 per cent of Europeans think that the state intevenes too much in their lives. For those on the right, the figures is 67 per cent and for those on the left, it is 59 per cent. Clearly, then, Europeans would prefer another kind of society than the one we have today.
(Thanks, Mattias)
Read the entire Eurobarometer here - >
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