Tuesday 01/04/2025, 00:48:50
22/11/2004 11:54:19 am
Bush Won With a Hopeful Message. Two myths about the American election have been widely spread in Europe: That George W Bush won because of religious fanatics and that his message was one of fear. The first myth has been destroyed by election statistics; Bush gained more in the group that say they have no religion at all than he did among active Christians, for example. Now, analyses show that the fear-argument is wrong as well. Mr Bush won mainly on a message of hope - for a growing America, for a better "ownership society", democracy in the Middle East, etc. John Kerry, in contrast, mostly displayed a litany of complaints. One fact that confirms this image is that Bush got the most votes in economically growing regions, where optimism about the future is strong.
Read about this in The Economist - >
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